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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My response to RChaps...

Let's categorically review your responses.

Can a person of religious conviction be pro-choice? Obviously, yes they can. The wonderful thing our Lord has provided us is the freedom to make our own choices. To continue upon that road, does that mean that God condones killing zygotes because they are inconvenient, may cause unsightly stretch marks, or because it is not in our preordained calendar of events? Hell No! In fact, if we are to keep to the teachings of our God and follow his will we should not terminate a pregnancy for any reason. This is my ideal, now if my daughter were to be raped by a man and wanted to terminate the pregnancy I would never brow beat her into submitting unto the Lord. My moral compass is to not pick and choose what the Lord teaches us, but to follow them like a Road Map for my soul. Does this mean I might wonder off to the path for a moment? Sure I do, you've been there for quite a few of them. My stance is that once I have regained my faculties to return myself to his graces as soon as possible. Now, as this pertains to Mrs. Pelosi she has a 97% voting record of pro choice planting her firmly as one of the most liberal Senators serving. Do her choices fly in the face of her supposed religious views? Well, hell yeah. You can't believe in one thing and 97% of the time do the exact opposite. I guess maybe she is a Cafeteria Catholic who picks and chooses whats convenient.

I have said in the past that I thought that incest, rape , and life of the mother issues should constitute a choice on behalf of the mother. One choice in two of those could be adoption. If the incest issue were to cause functional harm to the child just to live then I would have to pray long and hard for advice on what I should do. If the birth of the child would risk the life of the mother, I am blessed in that decision most likely would not be mine. But in an incapacitated state I would again need to pray for guidance. I pray to stay true to the word of God, but would seek solidarity if my choices would take me contrary to those teachings.

Gay Marriage,

Will it destroy our society if two gay men get married? No. Will I be prevented from my religious freedoms? No. Will I lose sleep because two guys are doing the horizontal hula? Maybe if they are in the room next to mine or something, but otherwise, no. Does my God say the Marriage is a Holy Communion between a Man and a Woman? Yes. If you live your life by "If it doesn't break my leg or pick my pocket what business is it of mine", then what do you or do you not stand for? Am I going to hate monger in front of a Justice of the Peace who is performing Gay marriage? No. If someone asks my opinion on my stance I am happy to give it out , and share my convictions based on the teachings of a living God. I may have no problem with Alligators eating babies at a Bingo Hall, but does that make it right? I don't believe that intolerance has to go hand in hand with Bible thumping, but if I believe so strongly that the "Word" is my guiding beacon then how can I look myself in the mirror without wondering what else I am willing to forego for the sake of gaining votes or the desire to offend my electorates.

I am glad you brought up the teachers leading prayer in school. Is every child required to attend a teacher led prayer, no I don't think that is religous tolerance. Should Muslim children be allowed to pray to Mecca three times a day during school with a teacher that shares the same faith? If they want to yeah, don't force it on the kids that don't want it, but yeah I have no problem with that. Should teachers of one faith be allowed to lead a prayer before lunch with children of the same faith? Of course they should. If a parent is offended because their religion is not represented or their child is not the majority religion on hand, why the hell make every one else suffer because of their minority. Its not that difficult a concept. If my daughter had a Muslim teacher and that teacher wanted to lead three prayers toward Mecca every day, as long as my daughter was not endoctrinated to do the same what's the issue. The politically correct garbage is a huge issue that causes rifts between folks. The minority dictates what the majority can and can't do in this country. I don't think its right. Should accomodations be made for the minority? Heck yes, make it a special treat for them to spend a moment communicatiog with their God rather than blocking everyone from theirs.

I can't agree more that Pelosi has no integrity. I mentioned in my post that she would do anything to gain favor with constituents. The "Word" video just shows that her attempt to "reach" Protestants and Catholics is so very shallow. She is a Catholic, but I don't know what about her religion she identifies with. I am making an assumption by reading her voting record, listening to her ambiguity and the countless number of times she has condemned the "Religous Right and Centrists" that she is only playing the game.

I appreciate the opporunity to converse with you on topics such as these. If I am off base, then maybe it was the way I was raised. I really don't see how I am talking out of both sides of my mouth.

Let's pick this converstion up over a huge bowl of GA. Caviar you lefty dingbat :)


  1. Pelosi is about as Catholic as I am black. The word "catholic" is derived from the Greek term "katholikos" which means universal. That's the one thing I like about the Catholic Church. I may not agree with A LOT of their teachings, but there is no gray area. It is all black and white. You either follow the teachings or you go join one of the thousands of Protestant denominations. The teachings are black and white. No abortions, no exceptions. No ARTIFICIAL birth control (thank God my wife is as regular as a clock with her cycle), no exceptions.

    Pelosi is what real Catholics call a "cradle Catholic" or "Catholic in name only." She was born and baptized Catholic so she goes around claiming the Church. I can promise you the Church doesn't claim her.

    "If you live your life by 'If it doesn't break my leg or pick my pocket what business is it of mine', then what do you or do you not stand for?"

    I stand for minding my own business and not worrying about things that affect me none. I don't care if everyone believes the same things I do. I don't need that assurance. Just do your thing and I'll do mine. If we can have a few beers along the way that works for me. I stand for raising children with unconditional love. Other than that and the pledge I don't really stand for much.

  2. P.S. I'm not righty or lefty. I am a dingbat though.

  3. You're awesome RChaps! I believe that the Bible is either taken in whole or not at all. Do I always follow that mantra? No, Jesus Christ is the only person I know of that got it right all the time.

    I understand what you are saying about not worrying about things that don't affect you. If I always were to get bothered by every transgression, be it religious or not, then I would never find peace in life. I don't offer my opinion, ( except in a ranting and raving BLOG that I only invite a small group of people that I believe have an understanding of not taking me too seriously ). I do agree with you on raising children with unconditional love...( wish more parents understood the concept of no conditions to express their love to their children ). I think you are left and occassionally right depending upon what side enacts the "Devil's Advocate Stance". Hope I did not come down to hard in my response brother man. Love 'ya like a Fat Me loves Cake.

  4. Hey man you believe what you want. I'd prefer you not pluck your eye out though if you see a hot chick and have an impure thought. I do like the "women need to shut the hell up" part of the Bible. Hell yeah, Peter! Boys rule, girls drool!
