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Monday, August 23, 2010


Alright folks, I hope you have had an opportunity to see this video from the soon to be Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and her stammering , tongue tied, disengenuine ode to her religious views. 

I have previously heard that "The Bird" is the word, and have even used the "Word" to one mutha or another.  However, Nancy's introspection into nothing should show anyone that enquires upon her moral compass that it has no bearing. 

It would be one thing for her to claim she has no religious tenor in her decision making process.  I believe many people would expect that to be the case.  I wonder upon her strength of conviction on "The Word" when she whole heartedly supports Abortion, Gay Marriage, Furthering Research on Embryonic Stem Cells, Human Cloning, Strongly Opposes Teacher Led Prayer in School, and the omission of Biblical Verses in School.

I don't pretend to have a grip on every political ideaology of Nancy Pelosi. I certainly don't pretend to think she gets every issue wrong.  I do see a worrisome tendency for her to stand up and portray herself in whatever light makes her cause more palatable at the time.  She defines the adage that you know when she is lying because her lips are moving. 

I recommend that if she does have a strong solidarity with the word of God that she not be afraid to say the word GOD or JESUS or use Christianity in a sense other than to color those she sees as Religious Extremists.  You see Nancy, when true believers see you stammering about the "Word", but can't bring yourself to mention any of the key characters, key ideas, key points of introspection, or ideals that have changed your heart , then we know you wouldn't pass this book report.

 But the Lord our God tells us all, it is never too late to change our hearts and enter into his kingdom.  Mrs. Pelosi, take this opportunity at your own public embarrassment to understand that which you claim to hold dear and utilize the teachings from a man greater than your current boss who many still see as the leader of their free world.  His son died on the cross for you, why can't you summon the strength to mention his name?

Sometimes our own shame can be obscured by our desire to gain popularity.  Sometimes we believe that we can do for ourselves without the will of God. Sometimes our desire to seem more than what we are can get in the way of what we have truly become.  Sometimes we all need a swift kick in the pants or a long look in the mirror. 

Tony Corley has been brought to you today by the letters F, E, D   and also U, and P.

1 comment:

  1. Why can't a person of religious conviction be pro-choice? Most pro-lifers say "except in cases of incest, rape, and life of the mother." Say Wha??? So in the other cases it is murder, but in this case it is not? Sounds a little inconsistent to me. If you believe abortion is ok IN ANY SITUATION then you are pro-choice. Otherwise you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Gay marriage: Oh yawn. So a man wants to marry another man. BFD! It doesn't mean your church has to say it is legitimate (I know Kristin's never will) just b/c it becomes legal. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "If it doesn't break my leg or pick my pocket what business is it of mine?"

    I don't want teachers leading my kid in prayer either. If I did I'd send them to a religious private school. And what happens if their teacher is Muslim and wants to teach them some Muslim prayers or read out of the Quran? I'm guessing you wouldn't like it either. More likely it will be some Baptist Bible thumper (no offense) telling my kids they are going to hell b/c they are Catholic. I'll pass on them having to deal with that kind of verbal abuse, TC.

    I agree that Pelosi has no integrity, but it isn't b/c of the things you listed IMHO. She is just your typical soulless politician. They will do and say what keeps them in office.
